Universal Pictures
72 designs
Scarface, Birds, Apollo13, Miami Vice, Back to the Future, Jurassic Park, King Kong, Jaws: who hasn’t seen these movies? IXXI has translated these classic pictures from Universal Pictures into iconic designs for your interior.
- -10%ZenkOneJaws
- -10%Jurassic ParkT-Rex Yellow
- -10%The MinionsMayhem Banana
- -10%Jurassic ParkDino Jungle
- -10%Jurassic ParkT-Rex Green
- -10%The MinionsReady to Party
- -10%The MinionsIconic Mayhem
- -10%Jurassic ParkT-Rex
- -10%Bo LundbergJurassic Park 1
- -10%Jurassic ParkRaptor Blue
- -10%The MinionsWhoo Whaa
- -10%The MinionsFeeling Strange I
- -10%The MinionsBad to the Banana
- -10%Jurassic ParkIndominus Rex
- -10%Jurassic ParkInto the Wild I
- -10%The Fast and the FuriousGolden Graphics
- -10%Universal PicturesMiami Vice
- -10%Bo LundbergScarface 2
- -10%Jurassic ParkTriceratops Skeleton
- -10%The MinionsThe Minions Chaos
- -10%The MinionsThe Minions Attack
- -10%The MinionsHere for the Eats
- -10%Jurassic ParkJurassic Park Logo in Blue
- -10%Jurassic ParkDino Landscape
- -10%Jurassic ParkMosasaurus Skeleton
- -10%Jurassic ParkLife finds a Way
- -10%Jurassic ParkStegosaurus Skeleton
- -10%Jurassic ParkInto the Wild II
- -10%The Fast and the FuriousIt's the Rider
- -10%Jurassic ParkApatosaurus
- -10%Jurassic ParkTriceratops
- -10%Universal PicturesThe Fast And The Furious
- -10%Universal PicturesThe Birds Poster
- -10%Jurassic ParkTeeth
- -10%Jurassic ParkJurassic Park 1993
- -10%Bo LundbergScarface 1
- -10%The MinionsUnleashed and Unhinged
- -10%Jurassic ParkJurassic Park Graphics
- -10%Jurassic ParkBlue Jungle
- -10%The MinionsFeeling Strange II
- -10%The Fast and the FuriousDodge Charger Front black
- -10%Universal PicturesApollo 13
- -10%Universal PicturesApollo 13 - Universal Pictures
- -10%The Fast and the FuriousDodge Charger 1970
- -10%Universal PicturesThe Birds Grey
- -10%Universal PicturesTony Montana
- -10%The Fast and the FuriousDodge Charger Red and Blue
- -10%The Fast and the FuriousBorn for Speed
- -10%The MinionsMinions collage
- -10%Universal PicturesQuote Box Movies
- -10%Universal PicturesBack to the Future Pixel
- -10%Universal PicturesScarface Pixel
- -10%Jurassic ParkJurassic World - Dino collage