Megan Gallagher
11 designs
Megan Gallagher is an artist & designer based in Kansas City, Missouri. She draws most of her inspiration from the world of plants and enjoys organizing the chaos and beauty of nature into colorful 2-dimensional designs. Follow her on Instagram @megan.qc.gallagher.
- -10%Megan GallagherPansies
- -10%Megan GallagherGetting me down
- -10%Megan GallagherAnemone
- -10%Megan GallagherLotus
- -10%Megan GallagherFlowers are Cool
- -10%Megan GallagherBudding Branch
- -10%Megan GallagherSirens and Bird Baths
- -10%Megan GallagherMorning Glory
- -10%Megan GallagherWild Roses
- -10%Megan GallagherWhy so Secretive
- -10%Megan GallagherCroton